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Volunteering adds to Daniel's skill set
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Bargain Hut Jenyca Adam cropped

Daniel Wilson was once considered too volatile and unfocused for even a sheltered workshop setting.

But he’s come a long way since moving from a 24-hour Waiver home to living independently with his fiance’, whom he has since married. His anger issues subsided once restrictions on his phone and game systems were eliminated. Last fall he tried volunteer work for the first time, assisting a group of consumers tending the trails at Ouabache State Park.

Now he’s volunteering in a more focused setting: Sorting clothing at Bargain Hut. He works one hour on Mondays alongside his program manager, Jimmie Jackson, and consumer volunteer Ashley Sergent.

“He does a good job,” said Theresa Breedlove, a part-time BCS program manager and longtime Bargain Hut volunteer.

Theresa said the thrift shop is grateful for the help of all BCS consumers who volunteer there. Dakota Sample has become a regular on Friday mornings, while Jenyca Holocher and Adam McLeod volunteer on Friday afternoons.

One recent Monday, Daniel proved adept at spotting defects in donated clothing.

“This one’s got a date on it,” he said, tossing it in the discard bin. Dated logos on shirts makes them less likely to sell.

“He has gotten better at staying on task and in learning the procedures for where different items are meant to be placed,” Jimmie said. More importantly, “he has gained a true understanding of what it means to volunteer without receiving an award in return. It’s been a process, but he has done well from the start in my opinion.”

Above: Jenyca and Adam volunteer at Bargain Hut on Friday afternoons.

Top: Daniel and his program manager, Jimmie Jackson, sort clothing at Bargain Hut.