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Playing instruments in Music Therapy class.

Facility Based Music Therapy

This program is the clinical and evidence-based use of music interventions to accomplish individualized goals within a therapeutic relationship by a credentialed professional. Music therapy is an established health profession in which music is used within a therapeutic relationship to address physical, emotional, cognitive and social needs of individuals.

One of the interventions we use in music therapy is to write songs as a means of expressing and processing emotions, especially if there has been a traumatic event. Consumers have written songs about going out to eat and playing jokes on the staff but also more serious situations such as staff leaving or a family member passing away.

This Program Includes:
Individual Therapy
Group Therapy
School-aged children and adults served
Special interest groups Ex: Chimes
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Featured Story

Process Emotions through Song

One consumer wrote a song for her mother who was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease and was in the process of dying. She wrote the song about all her fond memories of her mother and her appreciation for all the support her mother gave her. She recorded the song including her own voice and take it home to play for her mother about a week before she passed away.

The consumer would ask to sing the song in the months following her mother's death and then we would talk about her overwhelming emotions and how to accept the loss she was experiencing. She was later asked to write songs to her other family members as a way of communicating her gratitude for their support and how much she loved them. She also recorded those songs and gave them to her family as presents.

Learn More

If you need more information or want to become part of our organization call us at 260-824-1253.