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BCS bowling teams part of Villa Lanes community
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At Villa Lanes in Decatur, there’s nothing “special” about the Pin Heads or Four of a Kind. Though the two teams are made up of BCS consumers and staff, they’re just part of the regulars who gather for league bowling on Tuesday nights.

The last Tuesday in February had been circled on the calendar for a while, because the two teams were scheduled to face off against each other. But the BCS Bowlers were hardly a spectacle. Other than Josh Niblick’s unique but relatively effective “granny basket” technique, the BCS bowlers fit right in.

Three of the four Pinheads have been bowling together for years: Josh Niblick, Jeff Andrews and Heather Franz. Mark Bluhm joined the team a couple of years ago. When he dropped out midway through the season, Robert Wassil took his place.

In the first game this past Tuesday, the Pinheads beat Four of a Kind 804-789, even though that team is evenly split between consumers and staff, with Gary Amburgey and Larry Bulcher teaming up with PMs Dewayne Macon and Derek Macon.

Everybody on both teams got at least one strike in Game One. Heather had three, including two in a row.

“You better bring your good game here, because these guys are good,” said Dewayne. He pointed to a table down the way, identifying four guys in matching blue shirts – all lawyers – one of whom recently bowled a perfect game with a score of 300. When the BCS teams went up against the lawyers this season, though, their opponents cheered them on – especially Gary, who was having great success that night.

“They’ve been coming here for years,” said Kathy Foreman, Josh’s mom, who stopped by during the first game. “Everybody just accepts them. Here they’re just normal. It’s great!”